Adjust Tutorial

  • Adjust button
    Outlook of adjust section
    Click Adjust to go to adjust section. This section can modify the attribute of image.
    There are 4 aspects which you can modify the image: Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Sharpness
  • Brightness slider
    Brightness slider - with low brightness value
    Brightness slider can modify the brightness of the image. Image will be brighter when you drag the slider to right. Oppositely, it will be darker when you drag the slider to left.
    In this example, you can see the image is darker when the slider is on the left.
  • Brightness field
    Brightness field - with high brightness value
    Alternately, you can enter the number to the field in order to change the brightness. Maximum value is 30, minimum value is -30 and default value is 0. Positive value will give out a bright image while negative value will give out a dark image.
    In this example, brightness with 30 value gives the most brightest image.
  • Contrast slider
    Contrast slider - with low contrast value
    Contrast slider can modify the contrast of the image. Image will be distinguishable when you drag the slider to right. Oppositely, it will be less distinguishable when you drag the slider to left.
    In this example, you can see the image is less contrasted when the slider is on the left.
  • Contrast field
    Contrast field - with high contrast value
    Alternately, you can enter the number to the field in order to change the contrast. Maximum value is 3, minimum value is -0.4 and default value is 0. Positive value will give out a high contrast image while negative value will give out a less contrast image.
    In this example, contrast with value 3 gives the most contrast image.
  • Saturation slider
    Saturation slider - with low saturation value
    Saturation slider can modify the color saturation of the image. Color of image will be appeared further when you drag the slider to right. Oppositely, the color of image will become black and white when you drag the slider to left.
    In this example, you can see the image is less saturated when the slider is on the left.
  • Saturation field
    Saturation field - with high saturation value
    Alternately, you can enter the number to the field in order to change the sturation. Maximum value is 1, minimum value is -0.9 and default value is 0. Positive value will give out a high color saturation image while negative value will give out a less color saturation image.
    In this example, saturation with value 1 gives the most saturated image.
  • Sharpness slider
    Sharpness slider - with low sharpness value
    Sharpness slider can modify the combination of both resolution and acutance the image. Apporiate sharpness value can let the lines in image be more prominent. Sharpness value will be increased when you drag the slider to right. Oppositely, sharpness value will be decreased when you drag the slider to left.
    In this example, 0.5 of sharpness value is apporiate to this image.
  • Sharpness field
    Sharpness field - with high sharpness value
    Alternately, you can enter the number to the field in order to change the sharpness. Maximum value is 2, minimum value is 0 and default value is 0.
    In this example, saturation with value 2 will give out a blurred image.
  • Adjust
    Click Adjust to go to adjust section. This section can modify the attribute of image.
    There are 4 aspects which you can modify the image: Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Sharpness
  • Brightness slider
    Brightness slider can modify the brightness of the image. Image will be brighter when you drag the slider to right. Oppositely, it will be darker when you drag the slider to left.
    In this example, you can see the image is darker when the slider is on the left.
  • Brightness field
    Alternately, you can enter the number to the field in order to change the brightness. Maximum value is 30, minimum value is -30 and default value is 0. Positive value will give out a bright image while negative value will give out a dark image.
    In this example, brightness with 30 value gives the most brightest image.
  • Contrast slider
    Contrast slider can modify the contrast of the image. Image will be distinguishable when you drag the slider to right. Oppositely, it will be less distinguishable when you drag the slider to left.
    In this example, you can see the image is less contrasted when the slider is on the left.
  • Contrast field
    Alternately, you can enter the number to the field in order to change the contrast. Maximum value is 3, minimum value is -0.4 and default value is 0. Positive value will give out a high contrast image while negative value will give out a less contrast image.
    In this example, contrast with value 3 gives the most contrast image.
  • Saturation slider
    Saturation slider can modify the color saturation of the image. Color of image will be appeared further when you drag the slider to right. Oppositely, the color of image will become black and white when you drag the slider to left.
    In this example, you can see the image is less saturated when the slider is on the left.
  • Saturation field
    Alternately, you can enter the number to the field in order to change the sturation. Maximum value is 1, minimum value is -0.9 and default value is 0. Positive value will give out a high color saturation image while negative value will give out a less color saturation image.
    In this example, saturation with value 1 gives the most saturated image.
  • Sharpness slider
    Sharpness slider can modify the combination of both resolution and acutance the image. Apporiate sharpness value can let the lines in image be more prominent. Sharpness value will be increased when you drag the slider to right. Oppositely, sharpness value will be decreased when you drag the slider to left.
    In this example, 0.5 of sharpness value is apporiate to this image.
  • Sharpness field
    Alternately, you can enter the number to the field in order to change the sharpness. Maximum value is 2, minimum value is 0 and default value is 0.
    In this example, saturation with value 2 will give out a blurred image.